Личный блог Д. А. Кузьмичёва

Январь 2, 2016


Filed under: — Д. А. Кузьмичёв @ 9:31 пп
Hello. My name’s Daniil Kuzmichev. I draw stuff.
Drawing is my profession, and I consider it to be the best one in the world!
And I’ve been drawing everything. Comics. Cartoons. Illustrations for books and magazines. Worked on animated films from model sheets to frame animation. On videogames. Ventured into the movie business and theatre.
If someone asks me what didn’t I draw, I’d probably have a hard time answering that.

And if someone asks me just what exactly do I like to draw, then the list would be a mighty long one indeed!
I like to draw frightening monsters and gorgeous babes, fantastic worlds and just the simplest things around us. I enjoy drawing scary things and fun things (but not so much the sad things). Things that make people think and that help them relax. I also enjoy drawing stuff for kids as well as adult content. I like working on my own projects as well as helping my friends with theirs however I can.
I like to draw pictures with a story behind them. I like drawing something new. And I love sharing what I drew with those around me.
With such a passion for my work, it seems that I should be living a dream, right?
Well, here’s the thing…
Despite numerous interesting topics for me to draw, most of the stuff that I dodraw for a living is unbearably boring!
It goes something like this.

A man with money walks over to me and says “Hey, I heard you’re a great artist. I’ll give you some of this cash and you’ll draw me some nice graphs and illustrations for my soul-crushingly dull presentation (or something like that).”
And I’ll go, like, “Hm… Okay.”
So I draw them and I draw them good. I fork over the result. I get paid. I spend the money. I throw away all that I’ve just drawn. Because it’s just a beautiful pile of garbage that is of no interest to anyone whatsoever. And somewhere, the very moment that tedious presentation is done, my customer will also be throwing my drawings into the trash, because they are now of no use whatsoever to him as well.
And then everything repeats itself.
So what seems to be the problem, one might ask. Go get your money and forget all about the crap you’ve done for a paycheck. And that’s just what I do. But with every passing day I realize that I’m not just wasting my time on dull commissions like those – I am literally wasting it on drawing nothing!

It’s not just that I’m drawing boring useless crap. I am, in fact, NOT drawing anything of interest or any use to me and my viewers. And thoughts like these do nothing to improve my mood, damn it!So that’s the reason why I am here.
If this system works, maybe it’ll help somewhat raise my chances of telling another boring client something among the lines of “Sorry, dude, I’ve got no time to illustrate your report or whatever you’ve got there. I’m freaking busy drawing a naked queen of interstellar pirates, who is riding through space on a steel jet-propelled rhino (or something like that).”
And he’ll go, like, “Hm… Okay.”

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